


我經常推廣「唐安麒宇宙飲食Angel’s Natural Diet」,如果你以為宇宙飲食只局限澱粉同肉不可以同吃、三七黃金比例,那你就太不了解宇宙人的生活了。其實我推廣的宇宙飲食,當中還有很多重點,絕非你所想般簡單。

蔬 菜配肉、蔬菜配飯、蔬菜配海鮮類,都是最好的組合,並以3:7為比例,即食用7成高水分食物(蔬果),3成濃縮食物(肉類或澱粉類)。建議一餐吃菜配肉, 另一餐吃菜配澱粉,最好避免兩餐都吃菜配肉,而且每餐只吃一種肉。因為人體消化肉類和澱粉的酵素並不同,一個需要偏酸環境的胃蛋白酶,另一個需要偏鹼環境 的澱粉酶,兩樣同食會加重胃部負擔,造成消化不良、便秘等問題。
Separate meat and wheat
We produce different enzymes for digesting meat and starch. Our stomach will increase burden and affect digesting system when eating meat and starch at the same time. According to Angel’s Natural Diet, each meal of vegetables with one kind of meat, vegetables with rice, vegetables with seafood, to maintain 70% of high-moisture fiber fruits and vegetables, 30% of the main food.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast
People with Yin deficiency constitution or in winter need to drink herbal tea or skip raw fruits and vegetables. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “raw" fruits and vegetables are cold and cool. Eating a lot of cold food will affect the gastrointestinal function. Yin and Yang reconciliation is the best way to lose weight.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast
People with Yin deficiency constitution or in winter need to drink herbal tea or skip raw fruits and vegetables. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “raw" fruits and vegetables are cold and cool. Eating a lot of cold food will affect the gastrointestinal function. Yin and Yang reconciliation is the best way to lose weight.

現今食物充滿毒素,全世界已有多份報告指出,長期食用化學添 加劑,會導致過敏、氣喘、癌症、消化不良、頭痛等。特別是汽水,一到夏天,很多人會喝冰凍汽水消暑解渴,凍飲已經對身體有害,而汽水所含大量磷酸鹽,會 加速老化、縮短壽命,對身體有害無益。想解渴,還是飲水或者新鮮果汁。
Avoid eating “poisons"
Having chemical additives in long term can cause allergies, indigestion, headaches, edema etc. All processed foods including soft drinks are not allowed to eat.

1. 高溫烹調會令食物產生毒素兼破壞食物中的營養,包括酵素。食高溫烹調食物,腸胃就必須製造更多酵素來消化,令腸胃加重了負擔。
2. 肉類在燒烤時會產生致癌成分,更會令肉內的脂肪變化成好幾種化學物質,以致破壞血管、器官及損壞免疫系統的自由基。
3. 碳水化合物在高溫加熱時會釋出名為Acrylamide的毒素,會損壞神經令感覺喪失、發炎、早衰老、動脈硬化、膽固醇升高、腎功能衰退及致癌等。
Refuse high heat cooking
The procedure of high heat cooking can release toxins and destroys the nutrients in food, including enzymes. Boiled, steamed, braised, stewed are all healthy cooking methods.

腸內的益菌中,對身體最有益的就是乳酸菌,它是使糖發酵來製造乳酸的細菌總稱,其功能是維持腸內細菌叢的平衡和正常化,保護身體避免腸內感染或食物中毒以及幫助食物的消化、吸收和代謝,更可抑制有害物質與病原菌增加。更重要是活化免疫系統以保護身體,避免疾病侵襲。所以想健康瘦身,去除體內毒素、宿便及增加腸內益菌是必需的,如體內毒素及宿便過多,益菌必然難以生存。而且人體生命力的根源酵精大部份也是由腸內細菌所產 生製造,而酵精最重要的功能就是維持健康、使免疫系統健全,並保持身體「自癒力」的正常。因此,促進大量排便、排毒及補充酵精促進代謝、分解脂肪及防止毒 素形成是健康瘦身的精神!
Improve the digestive system
Intestinal probiotics can help digestion, absorption and metabolism, also can inhibit harmful substances. If there are too many toxins and faeces in the body, it is difficult for probiotics to survive. Therefore, defecation, detoxification, intake detox enzyme for metabolism, break down fats and prevents the formation of toxins are the spirit of Angel’s Natural Diet.

If you follow the Angel’s Natural Diet and turn it into a habit, you can lose weight easily and healthily without rebounding. If it is difficult to follow the Angel’s Natural Diet at every meal, you must try our deluxe products- Holistic Rosehip Tea and post-meal detox enzyme. Quickly removes toxins and restores flat stomach.

* 效果因人而異,數據及圖片只供參考

AFbooklet _07.20165
