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天 地有五行,人有五臟,而呢個瘦身法就係將五臟配合五行。五行除咗指金、木、水、火、土,其實亦代表咗人體嘅五臟:心、肝、脾、肺、腎,仲可引伸出五色: 白、青、黑、紅、黃。即係話,每種顏色嘅食物,都對相關嘅內臟有滋補功效。所以只要每餐都吸收到五色食物,就能做到五行相生嘅理念,調和五臟同埋調節整體 機能。當五臟運行得暢順,身體自然可以維持正常新陳代謝,將食物轉化成能量消耗,咁樣就唔會積存晌體內變成脂肪啦!而且身體有足夠精力,纖體就自然事半功 倍!

五行瘦身餐簡單易做,就算唔識煮飯,只要跟足內容去做,一定煮得掂!重點係瘦得勁快,而且同時補身,絕對可以瘦咗、靚咗,又健康咗! 呢個餐仲有排毒清宿便嘅效果,如果能配合可加速大腸蠕動嘅草本茶,瘦腰腹效果勁正!計我話最好約埋幾個同事或老友一齊做,既好玩又可互相加油!正!


早餐:任何蔬果1-2個 + 1片全麥方包,1杯能量薑棗茶


第1日. 木瘦甘露 – 青瓜、奇異果各1個、綠茶粉1茶匙、低脂乳酪
第2日. 火瘦甘露 – 蘋果連皮、蕃茄、紅蘿蔔各1小個、低脂乳酪
第3日. 土瘦甘露 – 菠蘿、木瓜各1塊、低脂乳酪
第4日. 金瘦甘露 – 香蕉、梨各1個、低脂乳酪
第5日. 水瘦甘露 – 黑豆漿1盒、低脂乳酪







* 效果因人而異,數據及圖片只供參考

Five Elements Slimming Meal
There are five elements in nature. Human beings have five organs which is related to these five elements. The five elements represent the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, at the same time is represented by five colors: white, green, black, red and yellow. Five-color foods can individually reconcile the five internal organs: white nourishes the lungs, green nourishes the liver, black nourishes the kidneys, red nourishes the heart and yellow nourishes the spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine and nutrition emphasize the balance of the five elements. When the five-color food is consumed in each meal, the five elements can grow together and harmonize the five internal organs. When the five internal organs run smoothly, the body can naturally maintain a normal metabolism and convert food into energy consumption, the fat will not accumulate in the body. When the body has enough energy, slimming can be achieved with ease!

The Five Elements Slimming Meal is simple and easy to make. You still can feel full and lose weight quickly. Meanwhile, it will make you lean, beautiful and healthy. In the five elements meal, the Golden Juice that must be drunk every day is blended with high enzyme fruits and vegetables and low-fat yogurt rich in probiotics. It has an excellent detoxification effect and can relieve constipation. If you follow this meal with Holistic Rosehip Tea, the effect of slimming the waist and abdomen would be more significant.

Five Elements Slimming Meal (loss 3 to 6 pounds in 5 days)
The sequence must be wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, with a cycle of 5 days. Eating one color of food every day to achieve the nourishing and slimming effect.

Breakfast: 1-2 fruits and vegetables of any kind + 1 slice of whole wheat bread + 1 cup of ginger herbal tea

Lunch: Slimming Golden Juice
Day 1: Wood Golden Juice- 1 cucumber, 1 kiwi fruits, 1 teaspoon of green tea powder and low-fat yogurt
Day 2: Fire Golden Juice- 1 apple with skin, 1 tomato, 1 carrot and low-fat yogurt
Day 3: Earth Golden Juice- 1 slice of pineapple, 1 slice of papaya and low-fat yogurt
Day 4: Metal Golden Juice- 1 banana, 1 pear and low-fat yogurt
Day 5: Water Golden Juice- 1 pack of black soy milk and low-fat yogurt
Recipe: Put the ingredients and 1 cup of yogurt into the blender and blend into juice

Afternoon tea: Mixed Vegetable Konjac Roll
Ingredients: 1 bowl of MSG-free chicken soup, half bowl of mixed vegetables, 5 konjac rolls
Recipe: Boil chicken soup, add mixed vegetables and konjac rolls, cook until done and serve with soup.

Dinner: unlimited amount, but meat and starch must be eaten separately, such as meat + vegetables, seafood + vegetables, rice + vegetables, noodles + vegetables, etc.

Ginger Herbal Tea: 1 teaspoon of ginger juice or 2 slices of ginger, 5 red dates, 1 teaspoon of brown sugar and 1 bowl of water

*Remark: Lunch and dinner can be swapped

AFbooklet _07.20165

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