

1.What does travel mean to you?


Travel has different meanings to me at different stages of my
life. When I earned my first barrel of gold at a young age, I
decided to travel around the world. Later, I decided that my
mission in life was to help other people with my money and
abilities, and so I went to India and Nepal and donated money
to poor areas to build schools. Now I have my own family and
daughter. I love travelling to Korea, Bali and Australia.旅行於我

2.What are your must-dos when you travel? 每趟旅行,必定會做旳事情?

I always make time to meditate. It is my way of living a healthy life and maintain inner peace. We should attach importance to beauty of the body, mind and soul so that we can build up positive energy and embrace challenges in life.

我一定會抽時間靜坐。靜坐是我養生靜心之道,人要注重 身、心、靈之美•才能散發正能量,維持正面思想迎接人 生更多挑戰。

3.What’s your favourite place and why? 最愛哪些地方,為甚麼?

Bali and Seoul. I love the tranquility and the climate in Bali. Most importantly, the people there are friendly and courteous. For Seoul, I fell in love with Korean culture after watching the TV drama series My Love form the Star last year. Also, Korea is very advanced in its cosmetics and slimming technologies, and the philosophy of traditional Korean diet matches my idea of slimming, which is about treating your body well.我最愛崙里島和首爾。我愛答里的 寧靜和氣候,最重要,當地人友善又禮貌,感覺很溫馨。 至於首爾,則是去年迷上《來自星星的你》後才開始鍾情韓 國文化,加上當地美容瘦身技術先進,傳統補身飲食文化 亦與我的「補身瘦身」理念同出一轍,所以我現在每隔幾個 月就到首爾短住一段時間,學習韓語和傳統文化。

As a beauty expert, can you give us some travel skincare tips?身為美容瘦身教主,請分享在旅途上的護膚心得。

Upon arriving at a destination, I always put on a moisturising facial mask at night even if I am exhausted. Sheet masks nourish the skin quickly. To prevent skin allergy, try not to wear makeup when you travel. In hot weather, we sweat a lot and dust gets stuck on the face easily. And makeup makes things worse by blocking the pores.每次抵達目的地後,當晚就算多累,我 也會立刻敷水分面膜,片裝面膜能即時補水。還有一個旅 行防敏秘訣,就是盡量不化妝。尤其到炎熱地方容易出汗, 臉容易沾染灰塵,若加上化妝很大機會導致毛孔堵塞。

